


Mark Johnson

Mark is an playback singer known for singing songs in Music industries.

Mark Johnson

Mark is an playback singer known for singing songs in Music industries.

Mark Johnson

Mark is an playback singer known for singing songs in Music industries.

Mark Johnson

Mark is an playback singer known for singing songs in Music industries.

Become a participants

Submit a story in the form of a video or song to us about a time when music had your back during a rough or even good time in your life, and submit an original rendition of How Has Music Got Your Back? for the Hole to Your Soul Patrol contest. Before submitting your original version of How Has Music Got Your Back? Please listen to the original song here first before creating your song version.

MYGB online music contest Winners of the week

MYGB online music contest Winner March 2022 Results
Apply to New Season
Universal Stars Online Music Competition is opens to all instruments, vocal, chamber music, conducting, and chamber music.

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Featured Participants

Mark Johnson

Mark is a playback singer known for singing songs in the Music industry.

Mark Johnson

Mark is a playback singer known for singing songs in the Music industry.

Mark Johnson

Mark is a playback singer known for singing songs in the Music industry.

Mark Johnson

Mark is a playback singer known for singing songs in the Music industry.

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