I believe music has a profound impact on everyone’s life and can be an ally, especially in the worst of times. I created a campaign, contest, and movement called HOW MUSIC GOT YOUR BACK. The campaign’s purpose is to get people to share their stories about a time when music helped them through a tough time. I want the world to know how music impacts individuals’ lives.
Our founder David Bluefield is an avid music fan and keyboardist with a storied career. He was a recording artist for Warner Brothers, and among his many accomplishments are his collaborations with legendary figures from the entertainment business, including Steven Spielberg (his hands served as the Mother Ship’s synthesizer in “Close Encounters”), Prince, and Stevie Nicks (“Standback”), Ringo Starr, Three Dog Night, Steve Martin, Tim Buckley, Garth Brooks, and Ice Cube. He received a coveted Clio award and Directed the American Music Project that brought “Rockin’ Nursery Rhymes” to 70,000 classrooms for 22 million students.
David learned early on that music has a cathartic effect on the performer and the audience evoking emotions with great force. He knows music’s enormous influence on his life and that he is not alone. He is aware that music can be an ally, particularly during the worst of times, despite all the conflict in the world and the challenges individuals confront on a personal level. He encourages individuals to share their stories about how music has improved their lives. How Music Got Your Back is a campaign, competition, and movement he started.
“Music Got Your Back” in so many ways. Can you count the ways? We ask that you articulate how music has helped you get through tough times in the form of storytelling or even in the form of an original song you’ve created. Please send us your stories and favorite songs, and post on social media about a time when music had your back tagging us and using the hashtags #mgyb or #musicgotyourback. Share the songs you love, and submit your videos to us via the contact page on this website or in a direct message on social media. Link us to your stories, and we’d happily reshare them on our social media and website. If you are a musician, we especially want to hear from you and ask that you enter our Hole to Your Soul Patrol music contest.
Our Hole to Your Soul Patrol Music contest is akin to a battle of the band’s contest. We want you to recreate your rendition of our signature song How Has Music Got Your Back? When you submit your song, you will be entered into a contest for a guest feature on the website and a host of special surprise prizes tailored for burgeoning bands! Of course, we love the disco era, funk, soul, and rock music of the 70s. However, we value other music styles and eagerly await your version of How Has Music Got Your Back?
Music enlivens the soul. It awakens memories and brings people together. Our project is dedicated to the times when music has helped us all in the worst and best times. We want to share our story with music and you to do the same.
“Music Got Your Back” in so many ways. Can you count the ways? Please tell us how music has helped you get through a tough time. Tell us your story or share an original song that you wrote! Send us your stories and favorite songs, and post on social media about a time when music had your back. Tag @musicgotyourback, and don’t forget to add the hashtags #mgyb and #musicgotyourback.
Music provides an entire universe of experiences proven to improve intellect, enhance physical coordination, and encourage creative expression. Music brings back memories and brings us all together – across the divisive lines of race, class, or gender. Music boosts our moods, reduces pain and anxiety, and allows us to express our emotions creatively. Our initiative is devoted to the times when music has benefited us all in good and bad situations. We want to tell our story with music, and you to do the same.